Only 7am WOD at Verve, otherwise 9:30am and 10:30am Swim WODs, see below.
Three rounds for time:
10 Overhead squat, 135# (95#)
50 Double-unders
Post time to BTWB.

We will have a single WOD at 7am at Verve, and Swimming workshops at Glenarm Rec Center at 9:30am and 10:30am. Map to Glenarm is below. Swimming Workshop and WOD are free to members, $10 drop-in for others. Please sign up on MBO.
Our December Foundations begins this coming Monday, December 2 at 7pm. It runs on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings until December 12th. It will be our final Foundations Program of 2013. We ask that all athletes attend a minimum of 5 out of 6 classes, cost is $150 total and these consistently fill up fast! This will be our final Foundations Program of 2012!
For the month of December, we’ll be offering a special holiday discount on our Elements sessions to new athletes looking to get started at Verve. These 1 on 1 sessions are an alternative way to get started for athletes who need a little more flexibility in scheduling. Due to the holidays and our abbreviated December Foundations we’ll be offering the four Personal Training sessions for $200 total, a discount of $60 off. Please email us at to sign up or get scheduled!
Our current holiday sale on all Verve gear and retail we offer runs through Monday evening. 15% off everything. Members only, on-site sales only please.