Outside WODs Saturday! See below for directions.
ULLR (Snow God)
Complete as many reps as possible in twelve minutes:
15 Overhead weighted walking lunges
12 Push-ups
9 Tuck jumps
Post time to comments and BTWB.

Okay, you’ve all seen the weather report….and we are expecting some SNOW this weekend! YAHOO! So what better to do than join us on Saturday at Curtis Park for a snowboarding/skiing focused workout to get you ready for the season ahead. You’ll have all the same great coaching as always, with the added benefit of a whole class focused on you enjoying the best season yet on the slopes, led by a pro. Don’t miss it!
The CrossFit Defense seminar will be happening at Verve starting at 10am. If you’ve decided to join it, arrive early and bring yourself and sign up for one of the few remaining spots left! Tony Blauer will teach you how to Be Your Own Bodyguard–bam!