Ten rounds for total time:
Run 100m
10 Burpees
Run 100m
10 Pull-ups
Rest :30 seconds
Compare to: 120420.
Post time to comments and BTW.

This weekend is a busy one. In addition to all the fall festivities and fun around town, CrossFit Verve has athletes in two competitions. On Saturday and Sunday, the 2012 Masters Championship will be held at Front Range CrossFit. Jeremy B and JIzzo will be representing. Saturday only, we have several Verve athetes partaking in the LoDo Open. Show your Verve support this weekend by joining us at these events. Here are the times and WOD’s:
Workout #1
2 rounds for time of:
20 kettlebell swings
25 box jumps
30 goblet squats
Jeremy, Heat 14 @ 12:30
Jamie, Heat 16 @ 1pm
Workout #2
Clean Ladder
Men Weights (lbs): 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315
Jeremy, Heat 10 @ 3:36pm
Jamie, Heat 3:58pm
LoDo Open
Individual WOD #1
AMRAP in 10min of
5 Clean and Jerks (65%/75% of BW within 2.2 lbs)
10 Pull Ups
Individual WOD #2 + 1 Mile Time Trial
Deadlift (1/1.5 BW with in 2.2lbs)
Ring Dips
Trina at 10:15am for WOD 1. WOD 2 at 1:20pm.
AMRAP in 10min
5 Clean and Jerks (65%/75%)
10 pull ups
-Partner A starts on the Clean and Jerks while partner B waits, as soon as Partner A finishes the C&Js and moves on to the pull ups, Partner B can begin their C&Js. Each Partner must finish 5 C&Js before they move on to their 10 pull ups, and each Partner must wait for their Partner to finish their reps before they can rotate stations.
TJ Welton/Anna at 9:00am
Francis/Sarah Lev at 9:15am
Clancy/Emmalee at 9:15
Chris Zienk/Addie at 9:30am
TEAM WOD #2 + Mile Time
Deadlift (Combined BW with in 2.2lbs)
Ring Dips
-WOD #2 and Mile must be completed under 20min including the allotted 30 second transition time
Francis/Sarah Lev at 12:20pm
Clancy/Emmalee at 12:20pm
Chris Zienk/Addie at 12:40pm