Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of:
1 Rope climb
7 Parallette push-ups
3 Back squats, 225# (155#)
Post rounds to comments and BTWB.

We are excited to let you know that healthy Addison Claire Hensley was born at 2:46 July 18th, weighing 8 lbs. 14 ounces and 21″. Kristi had a long day of labor and eventually had to get a c-section but is doing great and starting her recovery and can’t wait to get back to gym.
CrossFit Verve Swimming Workshop and WOD tomorrow at Curtis Park pool. Sign up here! Classes at 8am and 9am. Open swim and fun from 10-11am. Don’t miss out. Cost is $10 for Verve members, $20 for non-members.
The CrossFit Roots Olympic Weightlifting Meet is today in Boulder. Luke and Darika are participating in this friendly, non-USAW sanctioned event. Check-in at 830am and lifting starts at 10am. Curious how a meet works? Don’t want to wear a singlet? Go check it out and cheer them on to lift big! More info here.