For time:
12 Power cleans, 135# (95#)
12 Ring dips
9 Power cleans, 135# (95#)
9 Ring dips
6 Power cleans, 135# (95#)
6 Ring dips
12 Deadlifts, 225# (185#)
12 Handstand push-ups
9 Deadlifts, 225# (185#)
9 Handstand push-ups
6 Deadlifts, 225# (185#)
6 Handstand push-ups
Post time to comments.

On Saturday CrossFit CastleRock will be hosting a special event to raise money for Fire Engineer Jason “The Renaissance Man” Murphy, assigned to Engine 10, based out of Aurora, Colorado, died on March 18, 2012 in Aurora, Colorado, of wounds sustained from a car accident. He is survived by his wife, Jacqueline, and two young daughters. Please invite anyone you know, all are welcome to do the WOD or to cheer on. They will have firefighters from his house and possibly family members there. The event will start at 8:00 A.M. and go through lunch. Paleo and BBQ food have been donated.
Memorial contributions can be made to the Bridget and Natalie Murphy College Fund, c/o Chase Bank, 4968 S. Yosemite Street, Greenwood Village, CO, 80111.
This Sunday, after WOD 12.5 we’ll be celebrating with a CrossFit Open End Party. Our fantastic neighbor Jake’s Food and Spirits has graciously offered to host us as we enjoy each other’s company and have fun in the sun on the patio. Paleo friendly appetizers will be awaiting you along with Verve drink specials. We’ll break down following the WODs and head over to Jake’s around 2pm. Bring your friends and family and share the fun shenanigans. Please post an RSVP if possible to comments here or on the Verve Facebook page.