21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Push Press, 40# (25#)
Walking lunges
Ab-mat sit-ups
Post time to comments.

Come one, come all to the Verve Nutrition Workshop this Sunday, February 26th at 9am! If you’ve never been to one before, there’s lots to learn and apply to your health and fitness. If you have been to one of them before–>You are in luck and in store for some great NEW information. One of Verve’s own athletes extraordinaire will be presenting some important new information for you to put to work, getting your body in the best shape of your life.
We’ll also be presenting a “Beyond the Challenge” document to help you implement the concepts in your everyday life outside the gym. And we’ll have the StrongerFasterHealthier products such as fish oil and whey protein to taste test!
Free to all, so please bring yourselves in for a good time and build a solid foundation to build your fitness on.
Sign up for the Verve team and submit your scores for Friday here! Everybody’s doing it!