As many rounds as possible in 9, 6, and 3 minutes of:
2 Thrusters, 175#(120#)
4 Snatch Grip Dead-lifts, 176#(120#)
8 Wall Balls, 20#(14#)
Use one bar for both thrusters and dead-lifts. You may use a mixed grip for the dead-lifts but the grip must be outside the rings of the barbell. All wall ball attempts must touch a spot on the wall above the 10 foot red line for it to count.
This workout is split into three different time intervals, 9 minutes, 6 minutes, and 3 minutes. Each interval is split by 2 minutes of rest.
Thanks to CrossFit Omaha for this WOD.
Post total rounds COMPLETED over all three rounds.
Luke experiencing the fun/suck cycle of CrossFit.
Ben Freedman's fun/suck cycle theory of CrossFit.