Every 2:30 x 7
2 Pause Back Squats
*Slow lowering to below parallel, :03 pause, then up fast
This is the 2nd to last week of pause squats. We will retest a
1 rep squat after we get through the next 2 weeks.
Rest 5:00 then
4 Rounds for time of:
25 Medball cleans 20#(14#)
20 Box step ups holding medball 20#(14#) 20″(20″)
For Time:
1,000m Row
30 AbMat Sit Ups
30 Double Unders
800m Row
30 AbMat Sit Ups
30 Double Unders
600m Row
30 AbMat Sit Ups
30 Double Unders
400m Row
30 AbMat Sit Ups
30 Double Unders