20 Minutes to work to a heavy complex of:
1 Push press + 2 push jerks
Then every minute on the minute for 7 minutes
2 Push press + 2 push jerks @ 65%
Every 2 min x 10 rounds:
8 KB shoulder to overhead/ arm or 12 DB shoulder to overhead
+ :20 Handstand hold
Then, 5 rounds of:
10 Shoulder to overhead + 1:00 of push up plank to forearm plank.
Rest 1:00 between each round
If no equipment, every 2 min X 10 rounds:
:20 Handstand hold + 2 wall walks
Then, 5 rounds of:
Max rep set of push ups + :30 of push up plank to forearm planks
Rest 1:00 between each set
5 Rounds
:20 Hollow rocks
:20 Arch hold
rest 1 minute between