5 Rounds:
Run 200 meters
15 Hang power clean, 115#(75#)
10 Burpee box jump over, 24#(20#)
Rest 1 minute
10 DB Deadlift
8 DB Hang Power Clean
5 DB Shoulder to Overhead
11 DB Deadlift
9 DB Hang Power Cleans
6 DB Shoulder to Overhead
**keep adding 1 rep every round
The Verve Masters vs. Millenials Open starts this Friday night. If you aren’t signed up, get signed up! The more people that sign up, the more fun it will be. If you plan to workout Friday night, sign up. If you don’t plan to workout Friday, sign up and come play some games and have some drinks. Get signed up by clicking the following link: https://tinyurl.com/verveopen2019
We will be looking for people to bring some snacks so if you have some culinary skill and would like to bring some snacks for everyone, email me so I can coordinate; eric@crossfitverve.com