Monday 190729




As many rounds as possible in 22 minutes of:
15 Deadlifts 135#(95#)
Run 200 meters
10 Strict handstand push ups
Run 200 meters

Post rounds and reps to BTWB


Working in teams of 2, complete the following:
8 Minutes of max ski erg meters
8 Minutes max  assault bike calories
100 Plate overhead walking lunge steps, 35#(25#)

Verve-apalooza registration is LIVE!!

Alright Verve members, the Verve-apalooza registration is LIVE!!

Verve is having an in house partner competition on Saturday August 24th. The rough time frame will be 9am-2pm, this may vary depending on the number of teams/ heats. 

The cost is $40 per team. All the money is going to prizes for the top 3 teams. 

Teams may be made up of 2 guys, 1 guy/ 1 girl, or 2 girls. There are no separate divisions, but there are scales built in to each workout. We want to promise that anyone and everyone, no matter how long they have been doing CrossFit, can participate in every single workout. We would like to also say that we feel confident, the way the workouts have been written, that no one would opt to scale the workout in an effort to do better at it if they can in fact do all the work RX. 

You can register your team on the Square system at Verve or on Verve’s website at our store. We will contact teams for team names prior to the event. Registration closes Sunday August 18th, because after that we will start releasing the workouts. 

No desire to compete but still love to be a part of the action?? We need volunteers to help with judging. If you can help out, we would love it, please click here to sign up. There are a few columns: (the floater will be spike ball) Would you be interested in being the set team that all teams will compete against in the Spike Ball Floater? Would you be interested in judging the Spike Ball Floater (you must know the rules of Spike Ball)? Or would you simply like to help judges the workouts? Put an “X” in any/ all columns that apply. 

We are supper excited for this fun event, so grab a buddy and get signed up!


━ Past WODs

Wednesday 240320

As many of you have noticed, MBO is no longer available. We are switching to Beyond The Whiteboard for scheduling and membership charging...

Wednesday 240103

Bring a Friend Week(s) Starting January 15th and running through January 27th, we will be having Bring a Friend Weeks. If you have friends...

Sunday 230917

Every minute on the minute for 25:00 Minute 1 15 Calories on the rowerMinute 2 10 Toes to barMinute 3 15 Calories on the bike...

Saturday 230916

With a partner With a 22:00 5-10-15-20-25Power snatch 135#(95#)15-12-9-6-3Ring muscle ups Run 200 meters together after each set With the remaining time:Build to a heavy power snatch Scores =...

Friday 230915

Every 2:30 x 54 Front squats*Use the back squat weight from 090823For time:50 Wallballs 20#(14#)Row 250 meters20 Ab mat sit upsRow 250 meters35 Wallballs...
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