Monday 190603




Back squat
*All sets at 85% of 1RM

Post loads to comments and BTWB


For Reps
0:00 – 10:00 – 1 Mile run then, max DB hang clean & jerks
10:00 – 13:00 – Rest
13:00 – 20:00 – 800m Run then, max devils press
20:00 – 23:00 – Rest
23:00 – 27:00 – 400m Run then, max wallballs


Strict press in split jerk stance, 5 x 3

Split Jerk + Behind the neck split jerk, (1 + 2) x 2, (1 + 1) x 4

Clean Pull+ Clean + Pause Jerk, (1+1+1) x 5 sets

Clean Deadlift at 2” deficit + Shrugs, (3+3 )x 4 sets *Stand on 45# plate

3 sets:
Weighted Sit ups x 25
Leg Lift Holds x 45 total seconds 
Reverse Hypers x 10 @ 95#

Last Monday’s Memorial Day “Murph”.
Last Monday’s Memorial Day “Murph”.

I am going to do something I have maybe only done one or two other times in my history of posting blogs on Verve’s site. . . I’m going to tell you tomorrow’s workout.

Tomorrow’s WOD is. . . row 5,000m.

I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to think you are coming to the gym to sit on a rower for 20-30 minutes and, well, that’s it. That’s not it. Rowing is a skill. Just like snatching is a skill or cleaning. We have days that we dedicate to just snatching and cleaning with wonderful attendance. I would guess it’s because you know we will spend some time focusing on the movement, warming-up, and checking that technique. We plan to do the same thing with the row. We are going to focus on the movement, warm-up, and check that technique. Because there very much is a technique to rowing. Rowing 5,000 meters requires that we pace it. What is your 5k pace? When we row a 5k should we row at 22 strokes per minute or 32 strokes per minute? What is a “stroke per minute”? All wonderful questions, and all things to be addressed. And then of course, we row. 

Hey, if you wouldn’t skip leg day, don’t skip 5k row day. We swear, it’s not that bad. 😉

━ Past WODs

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Wednesday 240103

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

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