Take 15 minutes to establish a heavy back squat
Then, 5 rounds:
300(250) Meter row
5 Back squat @ 75% of heaviest
Rest 2 minutes
Post loads and times to comments and BTWB
Yo, yo, yo. . . what’s the haps?
This weekend (September 2nd & 3rd) Verve is closed while we host a CrossFit Level 1 Seminar. We will have one morning class at 7am both Saturday and Sunday. There will be no additional classes or open gym time. The workouts will be super fun, sign up in MBO and reserve your spot!!
Monday (September 4th) is Labor Day. Verve will have an abbreviated schedule with limited classes. Please check MBO for class times and get signed up for class. We will be doing a Hero WOD partner style, so start pre planning that workout partner.
Saturday September 9th we will be hosting a Steve’s Club charity WOD. Stay tuned for more details.