For time:
30 Back Squats, 135#(95#)
30 Handstand push ups
20 Front Squats, 135#(95#)
20 Strict handstand push ups
10 Overhead squats, 135#(95#)
10 Deficit strict handstand push ups, 4″(2″)
Post times to comments and BTWB
Speaking of a big gathering of ladies. . .
Femme Royale is this Saturday, August 19th. Verve will not be having any classes or open gym. The day will be spent over run by ladies doing fitness. Gentlemen, due to a lack of interest, there is no Bro-Down on Sunday. This means we will be having our regular Sunday class schedule. . . and it will most likely involve the partner workouts of Femme Royale that were altered a bit to cater to the men.
*Ladies, interested in signing up for Femme Royale? You still can, click here to register.
*Ladies (not competing) and gents, are you around on Saturday? We could use some judges. Click here to sign up and help out.
If you are not competing and are not able to help judge but you have a bit of free time to stop by, then come ready to cheer some ladies on!!