Monday 160815



5 Rounds for time:
200m weighted run, 20#(14#)
10 Power clean, 115#(75#)
10 Box jumps, 24″(20″)

Post Results to BTWB

Big congratulations goes to Courtney Shepherd and DIona Gouker for completing a 2.4 Mile and 1.2 Mile Open Water Swim!
Big congratulations goes to Courtney Shepherd and Diona Gouker for completing a 2.4 Mile and 1.2 Mile Open Water Swim!

Showing Up vs. Participating

We get asked a lot if showing up to a class 4-5x/week is enough for your general fitness. The answer is simple, no. Showing up is not enough to get you the results that you are most likely looking for. If you want results you have to participate. What’s the difference?

“Showing up” means that you arrived to CrossFit Verve at the exact time that class started. “Showing up” means that you did half the reps during the warm-up. “Showing up” means that when the WOD is over, rarely do you do the Post WOD written on the whiteboard. “Showing up” means that you don’t plan to make any better health and fitness choices outside the one hour a day you are at the gym. 

“Participating” is when the coach calls the class to the whiteboard, you have already been at the gym for fifteen minutes working on mobility issues or weaknesses you may have. “Participating” means you give full effort and attention from the time you are at the whiteboard until the moment the Post WOD is done. Participating” means that you continually work on your diet and sleep patterns when you are not at the gym. 

So, in short, will you reach your goals just by “showing up”? No. You have to participate. 

━ Past WODs

Wednesday 240320

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Wednesday 240103

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Sunday 230917

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

Every 2:30 x 54 Front squats*Use the back squat weight from 090823For time:50 Wallballs 20#(14#)Row 250 meters20 Ab mat sit upsRow 250 meters35 Wallballs...
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