Take 20 minutes to establish 3RM hang power snatch
Then, 5 rounds for quality:
5 Behind the neck, snatch grip push press @ 50% of 3RM
5 Wide grip strict pull-ups
Post weights to BTWB

Most often what is written or said about an event doesn’t really do the the event justice. This blog will be one of those times where the words written aren’t able to convey how grateful we at Verve are for what went down on Saturday. From Courtney’s amazing introduction about why we are here today and why we are doing what we’re about to do, to the closing awards ceremony, I think it’s safe to say the day was a success.
The full time employees at Verve were happy to help out a friend and would do anything within our capabilities for our friends and members. What I’m really referring to is the selfless effort put forth by all the volunteers and part time employees at Verve. I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of help we received. My group, the equipment team, was so perfect that we only ended up 7 minutes behind schedule for the entire day. That may not sound like a big deal, but if you’ve ever competed in a competition, you know how frequently minutes add up to massive delays and a lot of waiting around. The second a heat ended I had people coming up and asking or simply doing whatever they could do to help get the next heat or event ready.
From the raffle table to the beer table to the athlete check in area, we encountered zero problems throughout the entire day. A big thanks to our new buddy Feury who kept the music going the entire day. For our first event at Verve to run as smoothly as it did is all thanks to the members who were kind enough to volunteer their time to come in and help out with such a great cause.
A special shout out to the judges and score runners and scorer as well, especially anyone that had to judge Nat. If you had this privileged you know what I’m writing about. Honestly though the judges were asked to continually watch movement and had the responsibility to hand out “no reps” which is never a fun or easy thing to do. Heat after heat they had to watch the same movements over and over and did it with some damn fine professionalism.
A lot of work went into the event and most of it was done by you the volunteers. There is no way we could have come close to putting on something that special without you all helping. A big thanks from all of us at Verve to the vendors that showed up as well too. The weather wasn’t ideal for an outdoor set up but the vendors stuck it through.
Thanks to all the teams that came and participated. Again, not the best weather for a competition, but I didn’t hear a single complaint. Everyone seemed to understand why we we were all there and made the best of it.
AWS, you’re the best and the amount of work you put into the event over the past 2 months was tremendous.
Thank you from all of us at Verve.