20 Minutes to establish a heavy complex of:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean
then every minute on the minute for 5 minutes
3 Hang power cleans at 80% of complex + 30 double unders
Post weight to BTWB

We have now finished our weightlifting cycle. This past Thursday and Friday presented 2 days to test your one rep maxes in the clean and jerk and snatch. Over the past 4 – 5 weeks we have focused on developing the Olympic lifts as well as building strength in the squats. This week we will have class at 5:00 but it will be a deload week. If you followed the weightlifting program closely, the use this week to take it easy. Give your CNS a week to recover by using light weights and allowing the body to recover from the previous week work load and volume. We will have programming for the hour so come and put the body through movements but plan on lighter weights.
Next week we will be starting a new cycle of Hot Dogs and Cupcakes. We are going to pick a wave from the programming that will be challenging and fun. We ask that you have about a year of CrossFit under your belt in order to join Hot Dogs and Cupcakes as there isn’t a ton of teaching in the hour long class. You will be corrected on movement flaws and inefficiencies, but you should come with a pretty good understanding of the movements we are likely to see in the programming.
A big thank you to everyone that showed up to the Andrew Schwiesow Memorial WOD on Saturday. We averaged close to 25 people per class and the workout was really fun, actually a lot more challenging than it looked on paper. It was an amazing atmosphere and was really nice to see our community rally for a great cause. Great job by all and especially those of you that stayed and cheered on everyone until the finish of the workout. That type of atmosphere is what makes our gym really special.
A few people have asked about a competitor program and we have something in the works. It’s still early in the planning process but we will have some information for you in the coming days. It’s going to be different than we’ve done in the past as far as programming and how to be involved. Stay tuned for more information.
Reminder that this week in Skilz, the focus is going to be handstands, handstand walking, and handstand push ups. If you could use some practice in any of those, be sure and join the Skilz class.