For time:
Thrusters (135#/95#)
Weighted Pull-ups (40#/25#)
For weighted pull-ups, placing a 40 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles works great.
Post times to comments and BTWB.

10 Questions With Mia Sosa-Vanegas
1.) An introduction is in order. Where are you from, and what brought you to colorful Colorado?
I’m from Paso Robles, CA, and my Mother’s family has lived there since the early 1900s. Paso also just won Wine Region of the year. Paso Robles makes wine, Napa makes auto parts. Anyway, I moved to Colorado to get my masters degree in mechanical engineering. It’s a two-year program so I’ll be here for a while, and hopefully will transfer to some type of rocket-engineering job. Eventually I would either like to design wine-making equipment and/or CrossFit, static equipment.
2.) On a scale of 1-10, how annoying is it when people say, “Momma-Mia!”?
I get called “Momma Mia,” by everyone who meets me for the first time, so I expect it, and have gotten used to it. I’m not bothered by it really. So I would have to say a “1.” I could be called worse.
3.) What got you into CrossFit?
I was training hard for Navy OCS, but only running, sit-ups, pushups and swimming. It was boring (except for the swimming, I love to swim), so my friends from NorCal CrossFit, who star in the famous youtube video “Sh*t CrossFit Girls Say,” told me about CrossFit. My first workout was planks, and prowler pushes. I’ve been hooked ever since.
4.) The name “Sosa” is shared by the great Sammy Sosa. You’re obviously related. What type of man is Sammy?
Ah yes, Sammy is my Tio (Uncle), and everyone who is close to him calls him “Mikey” FYI. He also prefers to speak in Spanish so we only speak Spanish when we all get together, which is not very often, but the moments are precious. He’s a great man, and talks fondly of his time with the Cubs, which is one of four MLB teams he played on. I can also assure you that he has never taken PEDs, and will one day get his entrance to the MLB Hall of Fame.
5.) Can you explain what’s been going on with Sammy since he retired from baseball?
Since my Tio Mikey retired, he’s been spending a lot of time with family and is heavily involved in charitable work targeting the Dominican Republic. He is also very good friends with former President, Leonel Fernandez Reyna, and they discuss ways to improve the quality of life in their country.
6.) “Sosa” is a lil’ similar to the word “sassy.” I don’t think this is a coincidence. On a scale of 1-10, how sassy are you, and can anything put out your burning flame of sassiness?
Sassy can mean a lot of things: rude and disrespectful, lively and spirited, boldly smart, or a western African tree of the pea family that yields a poison …I’d like to think I’m lively and spirited? Sixty percent of the time, I’m a “10” all of the time. My burning flame of sassiness can be dampened by bad wine, dry rice and beans, and uncleanliness.
7.) What is your favorite CrossFit workout?
My favorite CrossFit workout is anything with heavy lifting coupled with something gymnasty. The snatch is my favorite oly lift, and will forever elude me.
8.) Who’s your favorite trainer (as if we needed to ask)?
It’s a trap! (Star Wars fans, anyone?) In all seriousness, before moving I was told great things about Verve and the quality of the training. Having been here since August, everything I’ve been told is true. The attention to detail is superb. I’ve learned so much already so thank you all for that!
9.) What’s your favorite movie?
Favorite movie? Tremors!
10.) Mia: What would you like us to know about you?
The first question people usually ask when they feel comfortable enough (or not) with me is “Why do you have the number 30 tattooed on your arm?” It’s a memorial to my Brother Brett, who was a running back, and that was his number. It’s not my age, or my favorite NASCAR driver, etc (etc stands for “end of thinking capacity”)…I got it tattooed a few years back once I was comfortable talking about him again, and I love being reminded of him every day!
Mia, thanks for letting us know a bit about you. We love having you here. And if you don’t get the “It’s a trap!” reference, click here. And shame on you for not knowing.