Sumo deadlift
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
Then, five rounds for max reps:
Prowler push, 20m high & low
Ground to shoulder, odd object
*30 sec work, 30 sec rest. Alternate between stations
Post loads and reps to comments and BTWB

Here’s the scoop on Verve trainer Mike Halas.
How did you get introduced to CrossFit?
I seem to vaguely remember a phone call between one of my best Army friends, Nicky Booms, in 2005 or so. We had both recently returned from our first Operation Iraqi Freedom tours. He told me about a new workout program he had just learned about, “cross-something”. It was about a year later while deployed that I actually saw CrossFit in action. The Ranger First Sergeant invited me over join them. The rest is history.
I feel like one day you just kind of showed up at Verve, like where did you come from? (“Earth”, “my mom”, “my house” will not be accepted as answers)
Most recently, I was at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. I started the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) in September 2011 and finished in February 2013. Before that Corrie and I were in Boston for about two years and prior to that, we lived up in Vail Valley where we met in 2007. We moved to Denver in February and our very good friend, Karianne of Guerrilla Fitness in Morristown, NJ, recommended we check out CF Verve. We were hooked.
The rumor is you speak Arabic, what’s up with that?
I do, in fact, speak Arabic, Modern Standard to be specific, but have begun to focus on Egyptian dialect as well. A major portion of the SFQC is the language training. 7 hours a day, 5 days a week for 6 months. It was quite the mental challenge, but in the end, it was very much worth the effort.
Can you say “I love CrossFit and CrossFit loves me” in Arabic?
I can, in fact, say that in Arabic. .يحبني كروسفتو كروسفت احب انا That would sound something like “Ana o-hib CrossFit wa CrossFit you-hib-nee.
What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?
For the first few years, I followed Mainsite and did most WODs alone. From 2007 until I moved to Boston in 2009, I am pretty sure I was the only CrossFitter in Vail. Since having started coaching at CrossFit Franklin in Massachusetts and then starting Gore Range CrossFit while at Fort Bragg, I would have to say the community. “Shared suffering builds cohesion”, Dave Miller. Although, there are times when you versus the WOD is just what the doctor ordered.
What is your favorite WOD?
Favorite WOD, always a great question. Reminds me of the favorite comic book character question from Mallrats… I would have to go with either Helen or Nancy. I like a short distance run with a hard fast gymnastic and or weightlifting movement in that 10 minute-ish time modality. And the ability to banter well with super villians, by the way.
Which WOD do you not want to compete against Corrie in? (you know, cause she’ll smoke you in it)
When we first met she was a 5-10 mile a day LSDer. Took a while for her to come around. Now she kicks butt all around. But anything longer than 10 minutes or so. She likes the longer metcons. I usually try to throw some DU’s into the mix to slow her down a bit.
If you could challenge any Games athlete to a WOD who would it be and which WOD would you pick?
I’d choose Chris Spealler. When I was training up for SF Selection, I lived 5 miles, almost to the foot, from CF Franklin. On the weekends, I would do a ruck march to the gym, then a WOD, and then ruck march home. Sort of an infiltration movement, actions on the objective, and then an exfiltration. So something along the lines of a 5 mile ruck march with 45# ruck into Fran into a 5 mile run.
Who would win?
I would like to think that I would, but I would just be happy to stay close.
Mike, we know you do a lot of traveling for your job but when you are here in town we love having you as part of the Verve family.