Front Squat
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Getting To Know Jackie Homra
Where are you from? If not from Colorado, what brought you to Colorado?
Africa… Kidding. Born and raised here. When you live in such a beautiful state, why would you want to live anywhere else?!
Is Justin Bieber your favorite person? If so, why? If not, why?
Favorite person? No. Dave Morante is, don’t tell Kellie… But when it comes to my favorite singer? YESSSS!! I’m definitely a belieber! His songs make you happy and want to dance. I like dancing. And no I didn’t get to go to his concert in June. My sister’s inconveniently placed wedding was that day. I really did think hard about which meant more to me.
What’s your favorite workout?
Anything with double unders. That’s the one thing I’m good at. Also, I love a good body weight chipper. I will complain about it all the way up until we start, but once we get going and I can’t think due to hypoxia, I get in the zone. Plus, I’m convinced that one day I will walk out 20 pounds lighter after doing a chipper. That has yet to happen, but I’m going to stay positive on that front.
You’ve been coming to Verve for a couple of years now. What keeps you coming in our doors?
The trainers and all of my verve peeps. I think the cameraderie is what got me hooked in the beginning. I have a lot of friends. Plus I’m usually late so I can’t really go elsewhere, they would shun me. I love that the people here will cheer you on until you finish. James OG even got down and finished burpees with me one day. Even though he had just done a million burpees he finished out my set with me. Couldn’t ask for a better group of people to go through hell with me.
Can you lift more than Jeff?
What do you think? Of course I can. Truthfully though, he’s a cheater. I don’t know if you’ve seen his ghetto booty, but he can lift some heavy shit. He can deadlift/clean/squat a disgusting amount of weight just because he got him some baby makin hips. He’s a good motivator. We’ll do wods in his garage and he will make me add more weight than I initially wanted to.
Is there anything you would like us to know about you?
I collect gingers (you know, red heads). I’m in no way proud of this, but it’s just something that I’m good at. My best friend is a ginger and whenever I go out gingers just gravitate toward me. If there are any gingers in the gym, ie Amanda Parker, chances are I’m friends with them… They just love me. I think it’s because I don’t have a soul either so they feel like maybe they can confide in me…? Who knows the logic behind it.
What’s your favorite sport?
Well I don’t play any sports. Ask Jeff how coordinated I am. But I love watching the Broncos and Rockies.
If you could pick one place to live, where would it be?
Hmm… That’s a tough one. If I had to pick it would probably be Cinderella’s castle in Disneyland.
Who’s your favorite trainer??
Honestly, I love all of the trainers… Except Clancy, he’s his own rainbow. No, I love that little guy. He’s the only one that doesn’t get weirded out when I hand scissor him. Each of the trainers bring their own flavor and sass to the workout. It’s the one hour in my day that makes me happy because of you guys!
Jackie, the feeling’s mutual!