20 rep Back Squat:
Take 60% of 1 RM from Monday 4/1 and add 20# for 20 reps. If back squat <200 lbs, add 5#
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand push-ups
8 Kettlebell swings, 32kg (24kg)
Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th, 2008 during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.
Post load and rounds to comments and BTWB.
“Number 997, number 998, number 999, 1000!”
No, I’m not counting my strict pull-ups this week at Verve–well, I might be, it’s okay–but what I am talking about is ALL my reps. Have you heard that it takes 10,000 hours to master something? Or that 10,000 reps? That’s a looooooong time. Sometimes we forget that concept applies to our movements in CrossFit too. We accept that it takes years of practice for surgeons, or professors…but dang, I just want that muscle-up or 400# deadlift NOW! Trust me, I understand it personally, especially being faced with a toddler daily who is learning the concept of time.
I’m not saying that things can’t happen fast. Sometimes you just need a little progression, a single cue, or extra help and BAM, you’ve got it. But don’t forget that so many of the skills and movements in CrossFit and life require practice. Practice means you are engaged. Engaged in every set-up, every piece of the movement, every finish. You are present in that moment, paying attention to how everything feels. You know if your back is rounding, if your belly isn’t tight, if your chin isn’t high enough. That attention to detail in your reps will make sure you are getting the most out of every one of them. You are building strength in the right positions, you are building those neuromuscular pathways correctly, and you can stay injury free.
So take a breath, get set at the top before you deadlift, and stay engaged when you are putting the weight down. Pay attention to your grip on the bar…..where are your eyes looking? Is your butt squeezed? Are your feet screwed into the floor? Where are you breathing? Stay present in each component, your own movements, and your own head. You’ll see your technique improve faster, you’ll see your positions get stronger, and you will be happy with the outcome, whether on rep five or rep five thousand one.