For time:
50 Medicine ball cleans, 20# (14#)
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
40 Medicine ball cleans, 20# (14#)
15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents
30 Medicine ball cleans, 20# (14#)
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
20 Medicine ball cleans, 20# (14#)
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
10 Medicine ball cleans, 20# (14#)
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
Post time to comments and BTWB.

CrossFit Verve will be starting up the Kids Program again for the new year! Our Winter Break Camp was a huge success. The Kids program will be offering a Free class this Saturday January 19th at 9:00am. We will have two groups for your children: Cheetahs, kids 7 to 12 years old and Bobcats, kids 3 to 6 years old. Please sign up on MBO, If you have any questions, please email
Our free Nutrition Workshop is this Tuesday, January 15th at 7pm. Open to everyone, we hope to see you there! Please sign up on MBO. We’ll also have a short introduction regarding our Nutrition Coaching Program and the upcoming Nutrition Kick-off this month.
Also, our Athlete Interest Clinics this week are up on MBO for Verve athletes to get signed up and participate with our amazing coaches. The feedback from our previous sessions has been a huge hit, let’s keep having some fun!
- Thursday, January 17 at 11:30 Handstand/handstand walking clinic with Emmalee.
- Saturday, January 19 at 12:15 Tumbling, tucks, and flips with Mas and Ryan.
- Sunday, January 20 at 8am Pose running with Slaughter and Nate.