Start by taking 10% off 1RM back squat, then add 10#
Back squat
70% x3 reps
80% x3 reps
90% x3 reps +
Then complete the following for time:
20 Push jerks, 185# (125#)
40 Over-bar burpees
For this workout, the athlete may partition the repetitions however they see fit to complete the task.
Post time to comments or BTWB.

Introducing Sara Weisbart and the All New Nutrition Program
Starting the beginning of August, Verve will be kicking off a brand new Nutrition Program! The program goal is to assist our members and community in choosing a diet of the correct quantity of real foods in order to achieve optimal health and happiness. In the coming weeks I will be announcing detailed information and there will be a one-hour information session following the July Nutrition Workshop. However, I would first like to formally introduce myself as I will be developing and running this program as well as providing members with personalized nutrition coaching.
My first Crossfit workout was Fight Gone Bad on New Years day of 2009. Verve hosted a “Dress to Impress” version of Fight Gone Bad to ring in the New Year and I remember rowing for the first time in a floor length gown… It was awesome! Then in May 2009 I became an official member of Verve. At that time, when there was only a small group of us, when you were ready to dial in on your nutrition, you got a one on one “Nutrition Talk” with Cherie. During this hour meeting Cherie outlined the Zone diet and other nutritional rules to follow. How lucky we were to get Cherie all to ourselves! But there was a kicker…following the talk, Cherie expected a 30-day strict Zone commitment. Yikes! I got through it though and saw amazing results. Then about a week after my 30 days were up, Verve announced its first ever Paleo Challenge. So I stuck with it and continued to Zone this time sticking to only Paleo foods. I continued to see amazing changes in my body and performance in the gym. Since then I have continued to follow a Paleo/Zone diet. I have also participated in several competitions throughout the past 3 years and last summer I received my Crossfit Level One Certificate.
Outside of the gym, I am a Registered Nurse and got my BSN at University of Northern Colorado. I am currently working at University of Colorado Hospital on the Inpatient Research floor. It is here that I have come to realize how important nutrition really is. About 30-50% of the patients we admit come in as participants in various research studies. A majority of the research that we see are metabolic-related. With access to new and cutting edge research involving nutrition and its effects on the human body, I will be able to bring helpful tips and knowledge to our community. The rest of our beds are filled with overflow hospital patients, mostly consisting of chronically ill cardiac and internal medicine patients. An overwhelming majority of these patients suffer primarily from obesity-related diseases. After taking care of so many patients that are chronically ill due to poor dietary and lifestyle habits, I have truly seen the impact that food has on our bodies. The food choices that we make can have just as much negative impact on our bodies over time as heavy alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking. However, even with the knowledge that diseases, such as insulin resistant diabetes, are caused by dietary choices, the medical community still has a lack of focus on diet and nutritional education. It is with this knowledge that I have truly embraced Paleo/Zone as a permanent lifestyle and want to dedicate my time to bringing this knowledge to others. I realize now that I choose to eat Paleo/Zone not just to look good naked or PR in the gym. I eat Paleo/Zone to live a life free of disease. I eat Paleo/Zone to nurture my “terrain” and treat my body with care. So that I may live a long life filled with good health, fitness, and joy.
It is also with this knowledge that I have created the Nutrition Program. My passion and goal is to assist our members and community in choosing Paleo/Zone as a lifestyle so that you may also live a life filled with good health, fitness, and joy. I am very excited and can’t wait to get started, it’s going to be awesome! The program in it’s entirety will be introduced over the next couple of weeks and sign-up will open on July 25th, following the Nutrition Workshop.
Stay tuned for more information… let’s be the catalyst for change in Denver!