Start by taking 10% off 1RM back squat, then add 10#
Back squat
65% x5 reps
75% x5 reps
85% x5 reps +
Then, complete as many rounds as possible inĀ 12:00 of:
21 Thusters, 75# (55#)
21 Double unders
Post weights and rounds to comments and BTWB.
Alright Team Verve, come out Saturday, July 21st for the CrossFit Roots Summer Olympic Weightlifting Meet.Ā Ā Ā
This well-organized and run meet will be complete with judges, weigh-ins, and scoring; however, it will not be USAW sanctioned. Ā There will be two platforms running, and this is a perfect opportunity to practice your lifts in a slightly more formal format. Ā Your friends and family can come see you front and center as you have some fun and perform feats of explosive strength in dramatic fashion. Ā
This is a great meet for any individual who wants to lift in a competitive environment but perhaps doesn’t want to wear a singlet (of course, you certainly can if you’d like!) Ā All skill levels welcome to compete. Ā As your coaches, we would love to help you prepare your warm-up and strategy for your lifts, so you can be as successful as possible, and at least one of us will be there at the meet. Ā
Check-in at 8:30. Ā Warm-ups at 9:00am. Ā Meet begins at 10:00am. Ā Awards following lifts.Ā
$15 for members
$25 non-members
Post to comments your thoughts/experiences and throw down for the competition. Ā Perhaps we’ll have a Verve prize for best dressed lifter (singlet or not!).