Three rounds for time:
Run 800meters
15 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 115# (75#)
3 wall climbs
Post time to comments.
Michael West focused during the turkish get up at the Turkey Challenge this weekend.
Who’s got two thumbs and is ready to party it up at the annual CrossFit Verve Holiday Party? All of you! So save the date in your phone, circle it on your calendar, and show up ready to have some fun.
Saturday, December 10th at 7pm
Location: Your favorite hangout spot, where else but CrossFit Verve.
Who: You + the family (kids included), dress is casual.
What: A holiday party with fun for everyone. We’ll turn Verve into even more of a playground than usual. There will not be a workout, but there will be plenty of opportunities for you to play some new sports. All 10 general physical skills will be tested, play for your pride. We’ll provide the food and drinks. You provide the laughter and fun.
Please post to comments your RSVP so we can plan accordingly.