30 Snatches, 135#/95#
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Amelie Joy, born at 11:29am, weighing 7lbs 2oz.
"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going or anything worth accomplishing."
Congratulations to the competitors at this weekends Colorado Open. An exciting two day event which hosted a battle of five workouts.
Dan Watson, Anna Anderson and Addie Kozlow headed down south to compete and get their WOD on.
We are so proud of the spirit, form and performances of all three athletes:
Dan Watson finished 43rd overall boasting a 25th place finish in the last WOD of the competition, the chipper showing he has what it takes to keep it going through the weekend.
Anna Anderson finished 16th place overall, getting a 10th place finish in the stone to shoulder WOD with a smoking time of 5:10.
Addison Kozlow finished 54th overall, nothing was more impressive then watching her throw 70lbs to her shoulders (almost bodyweight) with everything she had.
True heart was displayed by all three atheltes and we are proud to claim them as a part of Verve.
Reading this and getting the itch to compete yourself?
How to Approach Competing in 2012
With all the opportunities to apply your fitness in CrossFit events around the Denver area, what's stopping you? Some might argue "I'm not strong enough", "I'm too old to compete with 20 somethings", or "I don't like being in the spotlight." Did you know that many of the events have masters, scaled, and team events? Whether you enjoy Olympic weightlifting, stand-up paddleboarding, or regular old CrossFit workouts, there's a competition for you.
So you've got your mind set on competing in an CrossFit event in 2012, like the CrossFit Open, what do you need to do to get ready? Believe it or not, your fitness isn't like a college class that you can cram for the night before the final. CrossFit requires you to be capable of many tasks, many of which take time and practice in order to master. Training needs to begin sooner than you think and training for an event takes a well outlined plan.
On September 14th and 7:30pm we're hosting an informal meeting to discuss how to approach competing in 2012. Topics will range from scheduling for optimal performance and recovery, to how to fuel yourself optimally for additional volume. Your ticket for entry is to complete the Competitor's Download Competitor_Info_Sheet-1. Please put some thought into your answers and record your most recent PR's for benchmark workouts.