Seven rounds for time:
3 Front squats, 185#/125#
7 L-pull-ups
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Ross with a rock solid knees to elbows while rope climbing.
Hot Dogs & Cup Cakes Update
Hot Dogs & Cup Cakes, or HD&CC, has been full steam ahead for nearly three months now at CrossFit Verve. We've seen some really great changes in not only capacity, but also in form and ability. The program itself is a spin-off of Westside Barbell programming, loosely based on the conjugate method. The idea behind this practice is that if you constantly complete the same exercises, you'll eventually stall out and stop adapting to stimulus. Sounds like CrossFit (constantly varied, functional movements, high intensity) doesn't it?!?
Want an example of a HD&CC WOD? Here is just one workout we completed this week:
Dynamic effort bench press, 9×3 reps @ 50% + bands
Triceps rollback extensions, 3×12 reps w/ chain
On the minute, every minute for 12 minutes: complete 3 strict muscle-ups
V-outs, 3×8-10 reps
Strict toes-to-bar, 3x max reps
Now you may be thinking "WTF?!?" What we aim to do in this workout is increase your capacity at pressing movements by focusing the first half of the workout on movements that develop a stronger press (bench, shoulder press, push press, push jerk, push-up, dip…). By using sub-maximal loads at maximum speed, we teach the body to accommodate resistance with speed, which requires less force. We then switch gears and develop the pulling group of muscles by focusing on a couple of terrific and difficult gymnastics movements. Finally, we strengthen the core using another gymnastics movement. But, the next time we press will be an entirely different set of exercises, reps, and loads…
So if you'd like to give HD&CC a shot – please do! The HD&CC program is excellent for athletes looking to improve strength, practice advanced gymnastics movements, and do a short CrossFit WOD that utilizes advanced movements not commonly used in CrossFit Verve WOD's. This program is by no means a replacement for the workout of the day! If your time in the gym is limited, you WILL get the most bang for your buck by doing the CrossFit Verve workout of the day. Check the schedule for HD&CC class schedule.
If you've been to HD&CC, sound off – what do you think?