Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5 Handstand push-ups
10 One-legged squats
15 Pull-ups
Compare to: 110117
Post your choice of girls and rounds to comments.
What luck Zac, hangin' with some gorgeous ladies.
The final step in the Best Shape of my Life Challenge, re-do the benchmark workout. Bring your results from January with you to the gym for instant gratification. Once the workout is complete make sure that you have also finished the other steps in the completion of the challenge, log checked, total points tallied and submitted to info@crossfitverve.com. Winners, t'shirts and $, will be determined through fierce number crunching over the next week. Results will be posted at that time. The anticipation is horrific.
What shoes should I wear to CrossFit?
Generally you want a flat shoe, or as the industry calls them "minimalist". Running barefoot is associated with a substantially lower prevalence of acute and chronic injuries to the ankle and lower limbs. But in CrossFit we do more than running, which makes it even more important that we have a stable base from which to perform great athletic feats. Well who wants to run or workout barefoot? Not me, so here are some shoes that cover the toes.
The trendy: IN0V8 . Their shoes are adorned with many awards for design and thus are very difficult to get your hands on. The prices range for $90 to $120 per pair. They are all the CF rage, because of comfort and versatility.
CrossFitters favorite the F-lite 195's.
The Classic CF Shoe: Chuck Taylors AKA Converse. These don't only look cool, but they give you a solid surface for lifting heavy shit. The price can range anywhere from $20 – $80. You can even design your own on the converse web-site.
Classic Converse.
The sport that understands CrossFit, the indoor soccer shoe: Addidias Samba's are the most popular, but there are a ton of soccer shoes out there. Look for indoor, those won't have spikes. They are also very easy to find at an affordable price.
Feel like you're on the field with Samba's.
The modern shoe, the minimalist running shoes: We couldn't be happier that many shoe companies are riding the wave of the minimalist trend in shoes. You can find at least one version of this in the most popular shoe brands. Here are a few:
New Balance Minimus
The Brooks Silence.
Adidas Adi Zero Rocket.
The functional skater shoes, Vans: Vans are not only functional, but they allow your inner punk rocker to shine through, while being humbled by your WOD.
Van's come in all colors, sizes and price ranges.
You get the point, no matter what shoe you choose, we want you to have a flat shoe. There a many to choose from. We want a shoe that will support heavy loads and prevent injuries while running. Imagine lifting on your mattress, that's the equivalent to all the fancy athletic shoes these days. So keep it simple and keep it flat, if you do you're on your way to safer lifting, running and jumping. Your feet will thank you!
What is your favorite CrossFit shoe?