Three rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts
60 anchored situps
Deadlifts are for load, must be unbroken and load must remain the same load for the entire workout.
Post time to comments.
Shawn, Erick, Josh and Lindsey, welcome them out of foundations and into the group classes.
Why do we feel so good after a workout?
Ever feel that you have released something in your body that makes you feel great after a hard workout? Well, your body is releasing chemicals into your blood stream that send signals to your brain. Endorphins, are hormone-like substances that are released from your pituitary gland in your brain when you are engaged in strenuous exercise. They are responsible for euphoria and can be so powerful that they can actually mask pain or at least decrease discomfort! They bind to opioid receptors in neurons, blocking the release of neurotransmitters and thus interfering with the transmission of pain impulses to the brain.
They are responsible for a feeling of euphoria and can reduce tension and anxiety from daily stress. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins within approximately 30 minutes from the start of activity. Levels of endorphins can rise by five times resting levels during longer workouts. That's why we all love doing chippers, right?
In fact, if you are continually exercising for a couple of months your endorphin levels will stay at an increased level keeping you in a good mood days after your workouts. So do your body a favor, attend WOD’s frequently and enjoy the benefits.
Information on the CrossFit Open.