Monday 101213



Ten rounds for time of:
15 Deadlift, 135#(95#)
15 push-ups

Post time to comments.

 Donna's little Parker getting his ski legs.

 "Well, I'm not that coordinated yet."  (YET?!)

I said those words when doing the rope climbs last week, and Cherie suggested to try them with my opposite leg.  I laughed and tried and failed and laughed, and said those words.  But I've been thinking about them all week.  That one little word sums up alot about what I love about CrossFit, what got me hooked in the first place, and what keeps me coming back.  

When I started CrossFit, I had a whole list of things I couldn't do:  I couldn't do a pullup, pushups were often from my knees, I hated running, I couldn't do ring dips, the list goes on…

But CrossFit doesn't care what you can't do, it's more concerned about what you CAN do.  Being scalable for everyone focuses on starting with what you CAN do, and then taking you on a journey to accomplish even more, YET.  Every day at Verve is another opportunity to try something new, to push yourself a little bit further, to pick up a little more weight, to get one more rep, to be just a little bit faster, and every day is a chance to make yourself just a little bit better.  

Granted, somedays may not be great, but sometimes the victory is in trying.  And somedays, it's a fun surprise to see what you can do when you just give it a shot!  Each day that we enter Verve, it's like a playground of sorts.  I had never tried to climb a rope before CrossFit, I had never thought about walking on my hands, or jumping backwards onto a box… but I'm thankful I have a wonderful home at Verve that not only provides me a safe spot to try, great instruction on technique, and encouragement and acceptance no matter if I'm successful or fail.  

Sure, I still have a list of things that I "am working on doing."  Because I know that it's just a matter of time.  Muscle-ups, mastering double-unders, handstand walking, swimming without drowning, to name a few.  I know it's just a matter of time for me to conquer another fear, or try something new, who knows what I can do yet tomorrow?  And speaking of that, I can't wait to see what you can do yet!

━ Past WODs

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Wednesday 240103

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Sunday 230917

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

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