Reminder for this coming weekend. We are donating the gym to Steve’s Club so they can host a free Level 1 seminar for kids this coming weekend. We will have 1 class on Saturday and Sunday at 7:00 am both days. After that we will be closed for the rest of the days. MBO has been updated. Please sign up for class if you plan to attend. SPRINT members are invited to join both classes. Email if you are a SPRINT member and would like to sign up for the 7:00 am classes.
As many reps as possible in 5:00 of
6 Power cleans
8 Push ups
10 Calories on the rower
12 Ab mat sit ups
Rest 2:00 x 4 rounds
Add # each round
Rx weights = 95#(65#), 135#(95#), 165#(115#), 185#(125#)
Scores = total reps each round
For Time:
50 Cal Bike
45 DB Deadlift
30 Devils Press
30 Cal Bike
25 DB Deadlift
20 Devils Press
20 Cal Bike
15 DB Deadlift
10 Devils Press