8 Rounds for time of:
12 Dumbbell deadlifts 40#(25#)
50′ Dumbbell farmers carry 40#(25#)
9 Dumbbell Hang power cleans 40#(25#)
50′ Dumbbell farmers carry 40#(25#)
6 Dumbbell shoulder to overhead 40#(25#)
50′ Dumbbell farmers carry 40#(25#)
Post results to comments or BTWB
I… ALMOST..HAVE…A……MUSCLE…..UP (said while hanging with one arm over the bar)
SO many of your are SO close to getting your first bar muscle up, even some of you got your first one. For those of you wanting to join the club or just newly entered into the bar muscle up club, there are some techniques and drills you can do to break the movement down into manageable pieces.
Drill #1 – Carl Paoli from Gymnastics WOD
Drill #2 – A little bit of a different take from Travis Ewart from CrossFit Invictus
There are many ways to skin a cat, so try different techniques to either get your first bar muscle up OR become efficient at your newly gained skill.
- No class on Saturday due to Femme Royale competition, but a FUN partner workout on Sunday.
- We are still hoping to get a couple of volunteers for the comp, so if you have the time, shoot info@crossfitverve.com with when you can come in.