As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 Deadlift, 225#(155#)
50 Double unders
Post reps to comments or BTWB

Recently, I have heard some complaints about some lower back pain (this is Anna Mattson by the way). While lower back pain can be an indication of SO MANY things, such as inflexible ankles, tight hips, poor knee placement, “douche-bag” shoulders, and so much more, here are some tips to relieve the pain you are currently in. You can view the entire article here.
How to Stop Your Lower Back Pain
Becca Borawski Jenkins
Lower back pain afflicts approximately eight out of every ten people, both those who are sedentary and those who are physically active. The irony of back pain for the athlete is that while movement is what should be keeping you and your spine healthy, when you push too hard or you don’t let your body recover, back pain can strike you as well.
And, oh, how miserable it is not being able go to the gym, not being able to follow your detailed training plan, and possibly not even being able to tie your shoes. So how can you get back to feeling good and back to regular exercise?
Learn to Love Yoga to Heal Your Lower Back Pain
In a twelve-month study conducted in the U.K., researchers discovered that yoga was a highly cost-effective way to manage and heal lower back pain. Not only that, but the people in the study who did the yoga also took fewer sick days than the non-yoga-doing control group. So, your back hurts less and you get sick less often? Sounds awesome as far as my training aspirations go!
But which yoga poses are the best for your low back? And is there something you can do on your own without attending yoga classes? Yes, indeed. Yoga expert Julie Rader has a sequence of five yoga poses she suggests you do daily in order to relieve back pain. At the very least, you should do these after every workout:
- Supine Hamstring Stretch
- Two-Knee Twist
- Sphinx
- Pigeon or Thread the Needle
- Legs Up the Wall
*****ASK ONE OF OUR IN-HOUSE YOGA EXPERTS (MOLLY/KACEY) if you need further explanations of these movements OR come to yoga on Sundays!
Low Back Advice From a World-Champion Powerlifter
Maybe yoga isn’t your thing and you’re more of a powerlifting athlete. In fact, maybe that’s why your back hurts to begin with – but don’t worry, we won’t judge you for that. We know that more weights is more better, and we’d hate to have you give up lifting heavy, so here’s a video from one of our resident powerlifters, Donnie Thompson, to help you out.
Donnie knows a thing or two about both lifting heavy and low-back pain. His powerlifting total is 3,000lbs and for his day job he specializes in helping other athletes stay healthy with physical therapy techniques. Check out his advice on how to treat your back pain. You’ll need some rubberbands and a rack (and you may want to make sure none of your friends have their cameras on hand):
What to Do If You’re Stuck Sitting All Day
Despite your active lifestyle, we know that many of you get stuck sitting for long periods of time, whether at your desk, driving a car, or flying to your next awesome fitness-adventure destination. In this video, yoga expert Jon Kolaska shares a simple stretch you can do while seated that will bring your lower back some relief:
Take the Time to Slow Down and Heal
For most people, while back pain is a setback, it will be a temporary one. Refusing to acknowledge that you have to slow down, though, could result in your back pain becoming chronic and/or more severe. So take your pain as a sign that you need to change your speed and intensity for a bit. It doesn’t mean you can’t be active, but you may need to adjust your activities a bit.
– The memorial WOD for Andrew S. will be tomorrow during the scheduled classes. ALL ARE WELCOME, we just ask that, in lieu of the drop in fee, you make a donation to a fund set-up to support his children in the future. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of you that have already donated!
-Yoga is cancelled this Sunday, but if you need some ideas for mobility, talk to a coach or one of our in-house yogies.