For time:
Run 1,600m
Row 2,000m
Run 1,200m
Row 1,500m
Run 800m
Row 1,000m
Run 400m
Row 500m
Compare to 130605
Post time to comments or BTW

VERVE OUTING – STAND UP PADDLEBOARDING – August 30th from 8am – 10am
We got a GREAT response for the upcoming SUP outing @ the Evergreen Lakehouse; 45 people signed up!! Here are some important details if you signed up or if you missed the sign up sheet and would like to see if there is a plan B. PLEASE NOTE: If you just want to come and hang out and not get on a board, you are more than welcome.
PAYMENT – The cost is $10 per person, but Verve will be covering half of that, so you owe $5. Payment must be made IN CASH no later than Wednesday, August 19th by 5pm. You can give your money to a trainer in the office and they will mark you off of the list. IMPORTANT: If we do not receive your payment by the aforementioned deadline, we will open up each unpaid space to another interested member.
THE BOARD – Your $5 fee will cover the rental of one of their 20 paddleboards and a life jacket. Being as how we have 45 people signed up and only 20 boards, 2 things:
#1 – If you don’t have your own board, we will be setting some times so everyone gets a chance to get on a board. We will also have some fun activities to do while you are waiting for a board!
#2 – If you have your own board and life jacket, you can bring them and will only need to bring $4. You MUST have a life jacket, so if you don’t have one it is an additional $5 to rent one.
GETTING THERE – Sound out in the comments if you are interested in car pooling. According to Mapquest, it will take approx. 40 minutes to get there – ANTICIPATE TRAFFIC! Here is the physical address for you to plug into your navi system:
Evergreen Lakehouse
29612 Upper Bear Creek Road
Evergreen, CO 80439
Bathing suit – preferably one that won’t fall off in the water! (Nate and Clancy, they have outlawed speedos at that lake so you are SOL)
Bloody Mary’s (we won’t judge)
Flip Flops or shoes of some sort
DON’T FORGET – Saturday, August 29th Amy S. and the Rino Beach Club are hosting a GYM TAN BEACH party. There will be a fun WOD on the beach beforehand followed by a party containing a whole lot of fit people! There is a cover charge of $5, but all of that will be going to the EVERYDAY WARRIOR Foundation.