Friday 130712



For time:
12 Deadlifts, 155# (105#)
12 Hang power cleans, 155# (105#)
50 Double-unders
9 Deadlifts 155# (105#)
9 Hang power cleans 155# (105#)
50 Double-unders
6 Deadlifts 155# (105#)
6 Hang power cleans 155# (105#)
50 Double-unders
3 Deadlifts 155# (105#)
3 Hang power cleans 155# (105#)
50 Double unders

​Post time to BTWB.

Slaughter prepping Oly class.

Hydrostatic BodyFat Test truck at Verve this coming Monday, July 15th.  Please sign up here, it's open to anyone and everyone!  It's a great opportunity to have accurate measurements of where you are, so you know where you want to go.  This is also the end of the OPENutrition Challenge for some of you, so get your results and pictures to us.  


Alright everyone, we are starting up our Competition Class next Weds evening.  Since it's the off season for most of us we will be using the next couple months to build strength, our engines, and work on our skill work.

This is for everyone.  If you have goals of making it to regionals next year or want to compete in one of the local competitions that are becoming more and more common please show up.  We will have an hour and 15 minutes and we will use every minute of it.  We will start with our basic competitors warm up and then get right into our programming for the week.

As always we will be able to scale any of the workouts we do so don't worry about weights being to heavy or movements being to complex.  The goal with this program is to work on our weaknesses and make us better athletes.  We will start with some baseline metrics so we know where everyone is.  Think Cindy and a 3 rep max DL.  Those type of metrics will help reveal where we are strong and where we need work.

There is no additional cost for this class and we will run it on Weds night from 7 – 8:15 unless otherwise noted.  Please sign up on MBO so we have an idea of how many people are coming.

Look forward to seeing you all there.  Please post questions to comments and we'll get back to you or email


━ Past WODs

Wednesday 240320

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Wednesday 240103

Bring a Friend Week(s) Starting January 15th and running through January 27th, we will be having Bring a Friend Weeks. If you have friends...

Sunday 230917

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Saturday 230916

With a partner With a 22:00 5-10-15-20-25Power snatch 135#(95#)15-12-9-6-3Ring muscle ups Run 200 meters together after each set With the remaining time:Build to a heavy power snatch Scores =...

Friday 230915

Every 2:30 x 54 Front squats*Use the back squat weight from 090823For time:50 Wallballs 20#(14#)Row 250 meters20 Ab mat sit upsRow 250 meters35 Wallballs...
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