Friday 130503



As many rounds as possible in 25 minutes:

10 Hang power cleans (135#/95#)
20 Toes-to-bar
400m run

Post rounds and reps to BTWB.

Chad, leaving no stone unturned.


Verve Athlete Profile: Chad Dagenhart 

Where are you from?
I just moved out here at the start of 2011, lived in Scottsdale for seven years for work prior and predominantly grew up in the metro east St. Louis area.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
Since 2010.
What is your favorite workout?
Do not have one favorite but a fan of most Hero WODs cause they kick my ass yet feels so good when you finish. And I appreciate the story behind each of them to honor someone.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Tough one cause so much to see and enjoy in life when spare time becomes the issue. Away from an occasional sip of grandpas cough syrup with anyone wanting to chill and BS after a good day of work and working out. If I’m in the area, you can find me playing soccer, soaking in good live music, or playing in the mountains summer & winter.
What is one of your best/favorite goals you have accomplished since starting CrossFit?
Nothing specific in goals. Just understanding when its not a physical limitation to what you can do but overcoming that mental barrier.
Anything you would like to add?
I have had plenty of stitches/staples in my life on ER visits but never knew the value of super glue in repairing the human body until the nice coaches of Crossfit Verve showed me how to glue my nose back together after splitting it open. I use it weekly now and keep one in my bag and in my car at all times now.
Chad, we’re happy to have you here at Verve!

━ Past WODs

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Saturday 230916

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