1 Mile Run
100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
Pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats can be partitioned in any way. If you have a 20 lb. weight vest, wear it.
Post results to comments and BTWB.

Everyone has done the WOD “Murph.” If you have not, you need to. It is a test of your commitment. Has anyone thought to themselves, “How did Murph do this?” Well come and find out what motivated this soldier/CrossFit athlete to strive for success in his life’s journey. Join us as we celebrate one of America’s veterans and the movie telling life story. In honor of Murph, we will be doing the WOD today. Examine the workout shown above, and then come join in the fun!
The movie is only playing from March 22nd to March 28th at the Regal Cinemas at Denver Pavilions, Colorado Mills, and Greenwood Village. Regal may extend the run and expand into other markets if the opening weekend numbers are strong. It’s critical that we fill the theaters Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Let’s get a big group of CrossFitters together to show our support for one of our community’s heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. We are going to watch the movie at the Pavilion’s in Downtown Denver on Saturday the 23rd. Showtime will begin at 2:40pm. There will be a sign in sheet at the gym. There are several restaurants around the Pavilion’s where we can get a bite to eat and hangout before the movie.
Buy your tickets here, or at the movie theatre. You can check out the Facebook event as well. Who’s in?
Also, a link to sign up for the CrossFit Roots Oly Invitational can be found here. Click on the link, and then click on “EVENTS.”