Five rounds for time:
30 Kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg)
30 Burpees
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
Post time to comments and BTWB.

The 2013 CrossFit Open ~ Luke Palmisano
Yes, the season is upon us. The CrossFit Open is here. And I have to be honest, I really like the format for the Open. It’s all done at your home gym. No crowds, no pressure… outside of the pressure you put on yourself. The first time I competed in the CrossFit Games was in 2009. Back then, we had electricity some of the time. Color TV was but a mirage in the distance. At these games, you simply registered for Regionals. You showed up, you worked out. The top ten went on to The Games.
I’ll reveal a little something about myself here.
I hated it. Competing in front of a large crowd like that made me sick.
In 2010, the Games expanded. Now, you had to compete in Sectionals to get to Regionals. Big event, big crowd.
Me, not happy.
Point is, we all react to competition differently. Some of us thrive on it, embrace it. For others, it’s difficult. As coaches, we see all kinds of mental and physiological reactions to how people deal with the pressure of competing against peers. Sometimes, it becomes very hard to separate how we see others seeing us vs. how we see ourselves (got that?). Basically, we don’t want to look foolish. Well, listen to master of foolishness (I once tested an electric fly swatter on myself to see if it really worked. It did.). I competed in the Open last year. And the year before. And I will again this year. Last year, over 70,000 people signed up for the CrossFit Open. Seventy thousand! How many of those athletes went to The Games? A select few. So, why so many competitors? Why do I compete? Because the Open is safe. It’s here, with your friends, who view you being successful if you do the best you can do. It’s an opportunity to do something for yourself, on your own terms, in a friendly competition with tens – perhaps hundreds – of thousands of other people just like you. So why not give it a try? As of this writing, we have 85 participants from CrossFit Verve. Last year, we had the largest number of participants in the Southwest Region, with 96. We would feel privileged (we being the staff and ownership) to have you compete as well. Perhaps we can best that number. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any staff member here at Verve about the details. You can sign up here, and the cost is 20$. The top 48 from each region and top 30 teams will go compete for a chance to go to the CrossFit Games. Which is fine. For the rest of us, though, it’s a chance to measure ourselves. To compete amongst friends. So why not? What’s to hold you back? Certainly not age, and certainly not capacity. And above all, not expectations. Our expectation is that you enjoy yourselves, and, in the process of pushing yourself, learn something about yourselves.
So why not? Here’s a testimonial from someone who asked the same question.