For Time:
50 Double unders, then….
100 Kettle bell swings (32kg/24 kg)
On the minute penalty:
10 Double unders
Post times to comments and BTWB.

Strength Verses Force ~ Luke Palmisano
Imagine for a moment a young athlete. This athlete is beginning to work with free weights, specifically performing back squats with a barbell. At first, this athlete is able to back squat his body weight. His vertical jump at this time is about 16 inches. One year later, the athlete has shown improvement. He can now back squat twice his body weight, and his vertical jump has increased to 24 inches. Two years later, training in the same manner, this same athlete is now able to back squat three times his body weight. However, his vertical jump has not improved. Why? Because he trained for maximum muscle strength, as opposed to developing his rate of force. Training both are required to develop strength and power.
Why do you have to train differently to develop maximum muscle strength and maximum velocity from your muscles? Because they are different motor abilities. It requires different neural pathways, forcing your muscles to work differently. If you have ever taken a Hot Dogs and Cupcakes class, you will know what training velocity feels like. When performing a dynamic effort day, what is the focus? Speed and explosion. From the bottom of the squat to full hip extension should take less than one second. We want to be stronger and faster, not just one or the other.
Another example of training force and velocity are the Olympic lifts. At Level 1 seminars, prospective trainers are taught the ten general physical skills of CrossFit. They are cardiorespiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, accuracy, agility, and balance. The Olympic lifts require all ten skills! Additionally though, they are a wonderful blend of power and speed. They require you to move heavy stuff really, really quickly. The most well rounded athletes can be expected to be very proficient at these lifts. If said athlete from above had practiced these lifts along with his back squat, he could have expected his vertical jump to continue increasing.
That’s the difference of between strength and force. You can be really strong, without having the ability to be fast. Conversely, You can be fast without being very strong. Identify your weakness, and develop it.