For time:
Power Cleans 135#/95#
Ring Dips
Post times to comments and BTWB.

We hope you are all having a fantastic weekend. Just a reminder, Friday is an abbreviated day, with classes in the mid-morning through the lunch hour. If you are hurting from “Clovis,” you may want to consider coming to one of our classes. It was a longer workout than most of us are used to; moving some fresh blood into your sore muscles will do you good. Yay for active recovery!
Once again, a reminder that the Cutthroats game is Saturday. The group is meeting at Jake’s Food and Spirits at 5:30 P.M., and then going to the game. Patrick will be picking up monies for tickets tomorrow.
Take care, be safe.
Verve Black Friday Frenzy! Share the love with your friends, family, or yourself! ALL the retail will be on sale 25%-50% off regular listed prices for one day ONLY! See the list at the gym and get you some gear and goodies.