For 12:oo minutes:
2 Snatches on the minute
Then in a team of 3 for time:
21 Prowler pushes 10m
Post loads and time to comments.

Our “Best Shape of Your Life” Nutrition Challenge is wrapping up, with final measurements, vitals, bloodwork and benchmark workouts finishing up this week. We’ve seen some amazing changes in people in a mere four weeks. Now, how to keep up with it? We’ll have some follow-up materials available at Verve soon to help you continue your healthy habits as part of your lifestyle. Are you gonna stick with it? Why or why not?
Also, our next Verve Nutrition Workshop will be held on Sunday, February 26th at 9am. As always, it is free to all, so bring yourself, bring your friends, bring your family. We’ll be discussing the why’s behind what goes on in your body with fuel and how to improve your performance. We’ll also be having some yummy treats of fish oil (think vanilla, chocolate, mint, lemon and tangerine) from StrongerFasterHealthier available for you to taste test. These are highly concentrated EPA/DHA doses from excellent sources that we are excited to be carrying very soon–so come try them out!