21 – 15 – 9 rep rounds for time of:
Box jump, 24"/20"
Power snatch, 75#/55#
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Sit back, relax, and stretch those sore muscles post workout.
Learn Something When You Least Expect It
I search for new information about subjects I'm interested in. This search takes me to seminars, books, videos, articles, blogs…. you name it. Yet sometimes the information I seek approaches me from very unexpected sources. When this occurs, it's usually a bit humbling and exciting.
For example, once a week I go to a gymnastics class that is specifically directed towards adults. The skills are pretty basic, but very useful and a lot of fun in a very laid back atmosphere. Yet, often I prod for more information about how to perform movements more efficiently I come up empty handed.
Well today was a completely different story. I warmed up with the group and the trainer spent time with each of us practicing floor movements like front/back rolls, forward/backward handstand walks, cartwheels, roundoffs, and so on. Then we broke out to work on specific skills. I was wanting to perform a back roll to support and my trainer suggested learning a dislocate first. Long story short, I couldn't get the timing right….. until a 7 year old boy made a few suggestions, which he went ahead and demo'd with ease. He gave me a target to aim for as I opened my hips, made a change to my grip, and asked me to rotate my arms faster.
Within minutes, my dislocate improved greatly (after spending nearly 45 minutes working on it). My point is, if I hadn't been willing to listen and learn from a 7 year old boy, I probably wouldn't have left the gym feeling very satisfied. Be open to suggestions and learn from someone you least expect to carry the information you seek. There are subject matter experts everywhere in life and they peek their heads out when you least expect it. Thanks kid – you made my day!