10 – 9 – 8 -… – 3 – 2 – 1 rep rounds for time of:
Deadlift, 1.5x body weight
Bench press, body weight
Clean, .75x body weight
If you can not bench press your body weight substitute ring dips.
Post time to comments.
Welcome Leah out of Foundations, rockin' the double-unders!
Today's WOD is one that might induce tremors, butterflies, and fear. To the average Joe that visits our site for the first time, they might look at this workout and think "how the hell?" Not to worry, there are only a handful of athletes at Verve that will be able to complete this WOD as Rx'd. Substitutions are a part of the game. We want you to focus on mechanics and skills before we add too much intensity.
Doing a WOD as Rx'd is a goal in itself for many people. For months, new members spend much of the time getting a hang of the movements and amping up the intensity levels. As they become more proficient with the skills involved with CrossFit workouts, they can shoot for doing the WOD as Rx'd. Does this mean that the first few months are going to be easier? Why don't you come find out for yourself…
Reminder… Saturday classes will be held at Commons Park at 18th and Little Raven. Sunday we will be taking a field trip to Red Rocks!!!