"1/2 Bull"
For time:
200 Double unders
50 Overhead squats, 135#/95#
50 Pull-ups
Run 1 mile
Post time to comments.
Hillary doing hip extensions after class… one of many great accessory exercises to build core strength.
Why Are Fish So Happy?
Eating a diet that is high in seafood can help keep your mood stable. The EPA and DHA levels in seafood increase your levels of dopamine and serotonin which are linked to mood stabilization. Researchers have linked low levels of these neurotransmitters to the increased risk of being depressed, anxious, and irritable.
What type of fish are high in EPA and DHA? Cold-water fish like salmon or mackerel are high in these two healthy omega-3 fatty acids. So try and get in two to three servings of seafood each week to keep your mood light….in addition to your CrossFit Verve WOD's, of course!