Bench press 5, 3, 1+ reps @ 75%, 85%, 95%
(Print worksheet out w/ your numbers)
Then, "Canada Regional WOD #4"
50 Double unders
10 Burpees
40 Double unders
10 Burpees
30 Double unders
10 Burpees
20 Double unders
10 Burpees
10 Double unders
10 Burpees
Post time to comments.
Hope you don't get sea sick.
Feeling roughed up? Does your body feel like it's been through three rounds with BJ Penn? Well, it should – this week marks the end of week three of our four week linear progression with the strength program. In addition, the metcons have been pretty darn demanding over the three weeks as well. Well, don't you worry – next week will be a bit of a break for your aches and pains, as we'll be decreasing the percentages for the strength workouts and we'll reduce the physical and mental demands from your metcons.
Say what?!? Yeah, that's right – we can't always go 100% full throttle all of the time and we recognize that. Think of next week as active recovery week and focus on mechanics of the movements rather than your time or load. We've done this before – some hate it, some love it, but all benefited from it. Give your body a break as we finish out our 1st wave of the strength cycle and as July rolls around you'll be rewarded with a recharged mind and body.
But until Monday – GAME ON! Give the rest of this week everything you've got!