For time:
Row 1000 meters
50 Burpees
30 Dumbell split jerks, 40#/25#
Post time to comments.
What's coming and when? Better question – will you be prepared?
2010 CrossFit Games
We are all CrossFitters for a couple of reasons. Some simply love the level of fitness they can attain by working their asses off for an hour a day, five or six days a week. Others enjoy the sense of community that is shared by every athlete that steps foot in the doors. Others still enjoy the feeling of being an athlete again – a feeling that hadn't embraced since high school or college. Our workouts are each competitive events to one degree or another and every day is an opportunity to train and compete.
The CrossFit Games take this sense of athleticism to the extreme. For those CrossFitters who have made CrossFit their sport, the Sectional, Regional, and World Games are the pinnacle of their competitive sport. Athletes participate in several workouts throughout a weekend, leaving no physical traits of fitness untested. All weaknesses are exposed and punished. Yet the beauty lies in the fact that the sense of community is magnified at these events. Time is the enemy, not your opponents.
The 2010 CrossFit Gameswill be announced in the very near future. For those interested in participating, the journey starts now. Preparations are underway already and for those interested, please make your intentions known so that we can help get you on the right track. Stay tuned for more info about the Sectional Qualifier, as it is going to be announced very soon. This is going to be fun!