Today we will test a 1 rep max front squat. We’ve been doing front squats, building in intensity, so today we will see where we are at. Record your heaviest lift as we will begin a new front squat cycle and a clean and jerk cycle next week.
We will also be doing our “Murph” prep for our annual Memorial Day Murph workout. I know some people say since we do CrossFit, we don’t need to do any specific prep work for the workout, but given the volume in “Murph,” it only helps to target the movements specifically and build the volume gradually. Murph prep will be done on either Monday or Tuesday depending on the overall volume of work in our Front Squat cycle and the amount of time needed for the sets and reps in the front squat program.
Midline Capacity:
5 Rounds of:
:12 of russian twists
:48 bicycle kicks
In 20:00 Build to a heavy front squat*
Record this number in BTWB for an upcoming Front Squat Cycle
Row, Bike, or Ski for 2:00 directly into
As many rounds as possible in 6:00 of
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats