Every 1:30 x 8
2 Snatch grip deadlifts + shrug @ 130% of 1 rep power snatch
Rest 4:00 then,
Every 1:30 x 8
1 Muscle Snatch + 1 power snatch with :02 pause in receiving position
@ 70% – 75% of 1 rep power snatch
Rest 4:00 then,
3 Rounds for time of:
12 Wallballs
14 Deadlifts 135#(95#)
40 Double unders
This can be done any day during any class you’d like to come to.
3 x 7:00 on the rower with 1:30 rest between
Keep rows at a conversation pace or if you have a heart rate
montior keep your HR below 140
3 – 5 rounds for quality of
20 Air squats :02 down and :02 up
10 Push up negatives, snake back up to top
10 Shoulder press 45#(35#) with :03 – :05 negative on each rep