As you might of heard, we had a member’s car broken into last week. The break in happened in the middle of the day and based on some information, the above car, is most likely what the thieves were driving. It’s a jacked up Hummer and you can’t miss it. If you see this car, please let a coach know so that we can keep an eye on them and possibly contact the police.
For time:
50 Box jump overs 24″(20″)
50 Med ball cleans 20#(14#)
40 Russian kettlebell swings 53#(35#)
40 Toes to bar
30 Kettlebell snatch 53#(35#)
30 Goblet squats 53#(35#)
20 Walking lunge steps no weight
20 Burpees
10 Strict pull ups
10 Strict handstand push ups
5 Rope climbs 15′
5 Muscle ups
For time:
Row 1600 meters
20 Wall balls
30 Ab mat sit ups
Row 800 Meters
30 Wall balls
40 Ab mat sit ups
Row 400 Meters
40 Wall balls
50 Ab mat sit ups
Row 200 Meters