Tuesday 211109



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As some of you may have heard Verve member Dallas Hambrecht, was involved in a hit and run incident two weeks ago. He was scootering home and was hit by a car and left in the street unconscious. An ambulance was called and took him to the hospital. Thankfully his body is okay, but did suffer some significant damage to his face.

Dallas’ brother Bryan, also a Verve member, is hosting Bingo on Thursday November 11th at Larimer Lounge from 6-8 PM. It will be a fundraiser type event to help him out with the cost of the ambulance. We will be taking donations and if we raise enough to cover the cost of the ambulance, the additional money will go to a charity of Dallas’ choice.

There will have many, many prizes. Some really big name concert tickets (sponsored by AEG, think mission ballroom, Ogden, Bluebird, and Gothic theaters) to give away, bottles of liquor, and restaurant gift cards. We are working to set up a donation page as well for those that cannot make it, but would like to donate.

If you are free this Thursday evening, swing by the Larimer Lounge between 6 and 8 pm, play some bingo, and help raise money for one of our own.  



Andy Dutton Birthday WOD
7 Rounds for time of
7 Power cleans*
7 Box jumps 24″(20″)
7 GHD Sit ups
Run 200 meters

Rest 1:00 between rounds

*Weight for power cleans are

Use 1:00 of rest to change weights


24 Minute AMRAP:

21 (18) Cal Ski
3 Rope Climbs
15 Russian KB Swings

━ Past WODs

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Wednesday 240103

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Sunday 230917

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

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